Neiloe Whitehead
South Africa
Neiloe Whitehead
Development Executive Traineeship 2022
Neiloe Whitehead graduated from Rhodes University with a BJourn and has a post-graduate diploma from the Witwatersrand University in media studies. She spearheaded the documentary program at the National Film and Video Foundation as a manager. Whitehead was part of the Eurodoc International program in 2011. She worked with Fireworx media as a development executive in 2015 and was also the project manager for the ATFT incubation program.
From her vast experience as a story editor on a number of feature films, short films and documentaries, Whitehead has developed a deep passion for story development. She is currently working as a freelance writer and story editor. She has directed a short film and television pilot. Some of the shows she has written on include Signal High, uBettina Wethu s1& s2, Splintered Pieces. She is co-owner of Black Seed Film Hub, a black female led production company. She has recently been nominated as the vice-chair of the South African Writer's Guild. She was also one of the 6 development executives on the 2022 Realness / Netflix Development Executive Traineeship.
Email: neiloek@gmail.com